Best School Year Ever


47 power-packed breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and desserts that you can make in 30 minutes, along with easy tips to help your child sleep sound, and simple strategies that make all the difference in your child’s ability to pay attention and learn.

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I am passionate about the rising generation. These beautiful children need strong bodies and minds to give their gift to the world. Unfortunately, many of them are growing up on processed food that contain chemicals, preservatives, additives, and pesticides which are hijacking their palates and robbing their health.

A new school year is here and there are 3 important factors for your child to have a great school experience:  Good food, sound sleep, and reducing EMF exposure for better attention and learning.

This eBook is a resource full of 47 power-packed breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and desserts that you can make in 30 minutes, along with easy tips to help your child sleep sound, and simple strategies that make all the difference in your child’s ability to pay attention and learn.

May this year and every year be THE BEST SCHOOL YEAR EVER for your child!